On 21st October 2022, Friday, the 12th General Assembly of the Okayama University International Alumni Association was held successfully. The meeting was held in the conference room of Okayama University and via zoom for the international members and alumni. This year, the Chairman of OUIAA, Dr. Myo Khin was invited to Okayama from Myanmar to attend the meeting in person.
Prior to the General Assembly, the Vice-Chairperson of OUIAA, Prof. Takayoshi Suzuki held the 34th Executive Board Meeting along with the other board members. The meeting was commenced with welcome regards by Prof. Suzuki and Prof. Myo Khin. One of the main agendas of this meeting was to elect the new board members of OUIAA as this year was the end of the term period of the current members. The meeting ended with a brief presentation on the Activities of OUIAA 2022 by one of the student staff members and concluding remarks by the vice-chairperson.
In the General Assembly, the Chairperson of OUIAA, Dr. Myo Khin, and the President of Okayama University, Prof. Makino Hirofumi welcomed all the participants with warm regards. Followed by this, the Chairman of Okayama University, Mr. Keiichi Konaga also expressed his greetings.
There were five main agendas presented in the General Assembly. The first two agendas, the Selection of the Executive Board Members for 2023 April – 2025 March, and the Appointment of the Project Professor and Special Ambassador of the Institute of Global Human Resource Development at Okayama University were presented by Prof. Suzuki. For the third agenda of the Activity Report from the branch, Ms. Yang Hongjun, director of the OUIAA Central China branch presented the activities of her branch and talked about strengthening the relations with Okayama University and OUIAA. Agenda four, 2022 OUIAA Activity was presented by one of the student staff members of OUIAA. In this presentation, various events and activities carried out from March 2022 to June 2022 for the international students at Okayama University and the alumni were presented. A small film down the memory lane of these events was also presented which was prepared by the student staff members. Finally, agenda five on the Status of the University was presented by Prof. Suzuki.
After all the agendas were being presented, the concluding remarks of the 12th General Assembly of Okayama University International Alumni Association were given by Prof. Hiroaki Funahashi, the Executive Director and Executive Vice-President of Okayama University. A commemorative picture with the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of OUIAA, the President and Vice-President of Okayama University, the guests of honor, and all the participants was taken to conclude the meeting on a memorable note.
Okayama University International Alumni Association will continue to work hard to build a strong platform for the alumni and to acquire young alumni in the association. OUIAA looks forward to the continued support, dedication, and collaboration toward the common goals and objectives of the association and its alumni.